Our Point of Sale system is hardware agnostic, allowing you to choose the best devices for your business. We are UPOS compatible and support a wide range of devices, including IBM, Toshiba, Star, and Verifone.
Easily connect card readers from brands like MagTek, ID Tech, Ingenico, Atos, and PayPal.
We support Star printers and legacy COM and LPT connections. For Windows, Mac, and Linux, we also support Epson, Bixolon, Citizen, and Clientron printers.
Compatible with all 24V-controlled cash drawers connected through a printer, including models from Star, APG, PartnerTech, and MSCF-405.
Supports Star, Jarltech, Birch, Glancetron, UTC Standard, and Wincor Nixdorf displays, as well as USB, COM, and LPT display poles.
Compatible with Mettler Toledo Viva, Avery Berkel FX, Dibal, CAS, Magellan, and Ohaus Ranger. For EPSI integrations, we support Mettler Toledo and Dibal.
Most USB and Bluetooth scanners in keyboard mode will work. We recommend Honeywell for PCs and Socket Mobile or Motorola for iPads.
For a convenient and versatile setup, Star Micronics mPOP combines a cash drawer and printer into a single peripheral.